UltraRainbow Fluorescent Particles 1E7/mL

Because our fluorescent dyes are incorporated into the bead and not only on the surface, FITC, GFP, Nile-red, the spheres have different sizes and fluorescence, the diameter of the spheres is usually above 50nm and in the range of micrometers, beads, and particle applications including blood flow determination, blue, dark red, fluorimetry, green, high intensity, light yellow, cherry, orange, purple, red, sky blue, are relatively immune to photobleaching and other factors Environmental, Tracing, Yellow, Fluorescent Microspheres, Imaging and Flow Cytometry Imaging Instrument Calibration, In Vivo

Flow cytometer type: Beckman Coulter Flow Cytometer, Becton Dickinson FACScan, Becton Dickinson Flow Cytometers, FACSCanto, Millipore, and Millipore Guava Flow Cytometers, macs.


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